Universiteit Leiden

Urban Studies Community

Update: Urban Studies in the first semester 2020

Geplaatst in NewsFlash, Urban Studies.

Studying Urban Studies from Sept 2020

At the moment, it is not certain yet how the new schoolyear 2020-2021 will start. Hester Bijl, the vice-rector sent all of you an announcement about it. You can read it back here.

The basic principle is that everything will be available online and that we also offer as much on-campus education as possible. We consider learning together, with and from each other as an important pedagogic element for both online and on-campus education. On-campus education allows staff and students to have more high-quality interaction, which is why we aim for a good combination of both, especially to first-year students.

We are now taking the following steps: We ask teachers what they want and can do (online and on-campus). Parallel, we ask students where they think they are in September, abroad, in The Hague, or elsewhere in The Netherlands. Based on the information provided, we make a proposal for the program, and when approved by the campus board, we will organize education accordingly.

How it all will unfold exactly, depends on many factors and Urban Studies is dependent on policies at national level and university level. We do our best to provide more information as soon as possible. In any case, through this email newsletter, we will keep students informed in the meantime.

Introduction- and Welcome Back-day

We’re planning an introduction day for first year students, and a Welcome Back afternoon for 2nd and 3rd year students. The event will take place in the first week of September, it will have an online part, and possibly a part on campus and The Hague City Area.