Universiteit Leiden

Urban Studies Community

Meet Alistair Kefford

Geplaatst in NewsFlash, Urban Studies.

We’ve interviewed Alistair Kefford, your new colleague or, for students, your new teacher. Find out more about him here!

Hi Alistair. Nice to meet you. Tell us, who are you?

I am a historian and urbanist, from Yorkshire in the North of England. I trained at the University of Manchester, and then worked as a Lecturer in the History Department there. Before moving to Leiden I was working at the Centre for Urban History at the University of Leicester in the UK.

And, what exactly is your expertise?

I am a historian of the modern city, particularly as it was shaped and reshaped in the twentieth century. I am interested in urban planning, building, and redevelopment; in urban economic development; and the politics of making and remaking cities. I am also interested in the social experience of cities and urban life, through areas like housing and shopping and urban cultures.

What will be your role at University of Leiden, for Urban Studies?

I will be teaching on various parts of the Urban Studies programme, and developing new modules for the programme as well.

What are you proud of (that you’d like to share)? 

My work bridges a divide between history and contemporary urban studies, by using deep historical investigation of the recent urban past to think about how cities came to be the way they are today, and how they might develop in the future. Most recently I have written a policy report on the problems posed by the decline of high street shopping in many urban centres. I also explore the recent history of the real estate industry, which has such a huge impact on cities and our lives within them today.

Tell us something about you that no-one expects?

I have managed to write a book about shopping centres – although I am no fan of them personally!