Urban Studies Community
Behind the scenes of Urban Studies: The Program Committee
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What exactly is the Opleidingscommssie (OLC) also known as the Programme Committee (PC)? To help students better understand the functions and services of this institutional body, we have contacted Dr. Jurriaan Witteman who is the Chair of the PC of Urban Studies. Jurriaan explains that the main purpose of the PC is to “monitor the quality of the programme”. While the aim seems simple, many tasks and processes on different levels of the faculty are involved.
Being a Chair of the PC for Urban Studies, Jurriaan holds the responsibility of creating and preparing the agenda for PC meetings, sending necessary information to the other staff and student members beforehand, as well as ensuring the meeting covers all topics necessary.
Much of the PC tasks focus on analysing student course evaluations that students fill-out after having completed a course. Based on the evaluations and other information, the PC gives advice to the Programme Board to improve the quality of the programme
Jurriaan first got involved with the PC when he was asked to join as a staff member, after being involved in developing the curriculum of the Urban Studies right from its early days. Along with other colleagues, his focus was on the methodology part of the program. Since Jurriaan comes from a multidisciplinary background himself, having previously studied psychology, linguistics and neuro-linguistics, he has experience in bridging disciplines that traditionally have been separated, which comes in handy for the multidisciplinary Urban Studies programme.
When asked about what qualities are useful for a student PC member, Jurriaan lists a few including having a strong network of fellow Urban Studies students, being able to think critically but constructively about solutions to improve teaching quality, cooperation skills and communication skills. “And motivation to do things for the PC, because in the end, things need to get done” notes Jurriaan.
The PC regulation is that there should be an equal amount of student and staff members in the team. This creates a democracy among the PC where both students and staff members are able to openly discuss what the best course of actions are regarding the quality of teaching and what can be done to improve it if necessary. Jurriaan mentioned that being a student member of the PC would be a beneficial professional experience because one is directly involved in contributing to the quality of the program, and seeing first-hand how the university works as an institution.
If gaining experience and working closely within a team involved in the Urban Studies Program interests you, the OLC is looking for new members to join every year. Remember to look out for an invitation email at the beginning of the next academic year to seize the opportunity and become a part of the Urban Studies Programme Committee team!
To find out more information on the PC, click here: https://www.student.universiteitleiden.nl/en/announcements/2019/09/vacancy-student-members-for-the-programme-committee-olc?cf=humanities&cd=urban-studies